sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Ukulele vs ukelele

So, err, one is the American spelling and the other the British...I have no idea which BUT...what I do know...is that uk-e/u-leles (I'm just going to stick with the "e" one from here on, it sounds more like how I pronounce it, so, err...) ARE THE ULTMATE HIPSTER MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FAD OF OUR TIMES!

Ah, yes. the idea of a mini guitar with a slightly higher pitch is the dream of any anti-mainstreamer. This said, here's a brief playlist of songs featuring ukelele's that are catchy or have that hipster appeal to them, with uke-tastic Modderno photos after them. Enjoy, my hip-lovelies!:

  1. Julia Nunes rocks...Build me up Buttercup
  2. Julia Nunes covers Say Anything's A Walk Through Hell
  3. Julia Nunes covers The Counting Crow's Accidentally in Love
  4. Julia Nunes covers All My Loving (The Beatles, DUH!)
  5. Julia Nunes covers Bright Eye's First Day of my Life
  6. Yep, Julia Nunes again --> Gone by Ben Fold
  7. The real reason uke's are cool again: ukelele boy!
  8. Ukelele boy (in suspenders and a tie!) covers the Beatles
  9. Ukelele boy rocks out another Beatles' song at home
  10. 8 yr old AIden Powell cover's Train's Hey Soul Sister
  11. Reggae-ish cover of Gary Jules's Mad World
  12. Ukelele Hero...yep, a parody of Guitar Hero
  13. The Ooks of Hazzard play Kids by MGMT
  14. The Ooks of Hazzar cover Love Potion n. 9
  15. Ingrid Michaelson uses a ukelele in her song Parachute
  16. George Formby plays With Me Little Ukelele in Me Hand
  17. Cliff Edwards sings Blame it on a Ukelele
  18. Ukulele Ike performs Singing in the Rain
  19. Youtubers play Guacamole Ukelele Song
  20. Wellington National Ukelele Orchestra performs Hey Ya! from Outkast
  21. The Kaiser Cheifs share the stage with The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain
  22. Never Shout Never uses a uke in the soung Trouble 
  23. ...and also in the song Did it Hurt? 
  24. ...and in the song First Dance 
That was...not so brief, haha.

searching through random pics in tumblr usually makes my day :D