jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

a SERIES of unfortunate events...

Strangely enough, Karma has brought unto me two episodes of TV series with the mention of hipsters in them.

The first, and most recent, is from the sixth episode of Happy Endings, a new comedy series....where one of the main characters, Penny, meets a guy while wearing her grungiest outfit to the laundromat (duh, laundry day grunge!) and they end up getting coffee together after he comments, what she think is sarcastic admiration, on her laundry day outfit. However, it turns out that the guy wears "laundry day style" grunge...well, EVERYday. Yup, he´s a hipster! She tries to weave herself into the hipster world by lacing on wacky layers of vintage and unneccesary accesories,

pretending nothing is cool and not trying too hard...at anything.

It's pretty funny actually. Not spot-on on our precious urban tribe but, hey, it's worth a self-analytical narcissistic laugh or two :p

and right after that refreshing breath of current day media, I side stepped into my comfy 90's nostalgia....onyl to find that in the Dawson's Creek episode I chose to watch (yup, started late nineties but I'm still counting it in) Joey Potter appears in the scene reading Jack Kerouac, the voice of the Beat generation, 's On the road . You would think that the intellectual and well-read Joey Potter would obviously bestow a loving comment about the book but when asked what she thinks of it so far se answers "I think it sucks...oh what? just because every quasi-bohemian hipster with pretensions of literary greatness worships at the alter of kerouac that means I should too?" Sharp, witty and against the crowd. That's our Joey for ya. She's only proven hipster worthyness by consciously going against the hipster trend.
At least I want to see it that way.

Tell me you can't imagine her in a pair of Buddy Holly glasses with a straw fedora and a thin scarf loosely wrapped around her collar?

And uh, since we're on the subject of Tv shows and hipster-referrencing, check out http://hipstercommunity.tumblr.com . They put quotes from the TV show Community on hipsteresque photos. Pretty good and some are pretty funny.