domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

For my Spanish modernos....

Here's a list of some of my faves from the "modernos/ modernas que..." phenomenon in Facebook in spanish:

-modernos que escuchan grupos que aun no existen (Modernos that listen to groups that don't exist yet)
-modernos que salen contentos del oculista porque ya pueden usar gafas. (Modernos who happily leave the optician's because now that can use glasses)
-Modernos a los que no les gustaba el pescado y ahora se lo comen crudo (Modernos who didn't like fish and now eat it raw)

-Modernos que se masturban viendos pelis de la nouvelle vague (Modernos that masterbate to nouvella vague films)
-Modernos que usan sombreros como sello de su "personalidad [sic] (modernos that use hats as their personal mark/ Spanish it implies that modernos have no personality. Guilty as charged about the overuse of hats though...)
-Modernos que se cambian el nombre para ser más modernos (Modernos who change their name to be more modern)
-Modernos que hacen fotos inclinadas porque molan más (Modernos who take tilted photos because they're cooler)
-modernos que utilizan las bicis de sus abuelos porque son retro (modernos that use their grandparent's bicyles because they're retro)
-Modernos que odian comic sans y aman Helvetica (Modernos that hate Comic Sans and love Helvetica)

 -Modernos veinteañeros, que eran emos quinceañeros (Modernos in their twnties who used to be fifteen-year old emos)
-Modernos que dicen, yo no soy moderno soy Alternativo (modernos who say they're not moderno, they0re alternative)
-Modernos que se hacen fotos con el pelo en la cara (modernos who take photos with their hair in their face)
-Modernos daltónicos que ven en blanco y negro porque es más vintage (colorblind modernos that see in b/w because it's more vintage)
-Modernos que van al cine 3d para tener gafas de pasta gratis (modernos who go to 3d movies to get free thick framed glasses)
-modernos que se convierten en vampiros y brillan en el sol (modernos who turn in to vampires and glitter in the sunlight)
-modernos que se tiñen el pelo de blanco para ser más modernos (modernos who dye their hair white to be more modern)
-modernos que se van a abbey road y se hacen la mejor foto del mundo (modernos that go to abbey road to take the best photo in the world)
-modernos que son antiguos (modernos that are old-fashioned)
-modernos que ponen nombres raros a sus hijos (modernos who give weird names to their kids)

Fave "modern" musicians on Facebook

-Modern Day Escape
-Modern Skirts
-Modern Day Romeos
-The Modern Jazz Movement (sounds amazing)
-Post Modern Heroes
-The Young Modern (<3 the name)
-Modern Paranoia (again, I <3 the name)
-Modern Gank (this confuses the gank out of me)
-The Modern Eldorados (now that's funny!)
-Modern Time Machines
-Modern Faces
-Dirty Modern Hero (awesome name)
-So So Modern
-The Modern
-Modern Day Slave
-Modern Day Satire
-Modern Life is War
-Modern Disruption
-Modern Things (they had a lovely logo btw)
-The Modern Society (that's exactly why this blog began)
-We, the Modern Age

And so many, many more (there are over 500 results just for musicians).....So what's the lesson, children? If you have a band and a pretty cool name just add "modern" to that name and it will be twice as good a name.

Fave "modern" pages on Facebook

Yes, as a good modern, vanity and curiosity have gotten the best of me and forced me to search the word "modern" on Facebook....thus providing these amusing results:

-Vintage Modern Living
-Rocko's Modern Life (TV Show from my childhood I'd forgotten aaaaaaaall about)

-I am Modern Magazine (because 40 year old women in North Virginia are down with the Modernoids too)

-Dr. Seuss Quotes for Modern Day Life
-socialsklz :-) tools to thrive in the modern world [ my horrorific amazement; "peer-enting" strikes again]
-Trendy Tots: A Modern Children's Consignment Store (gotta love the name)
-Retro, Modern and Vintage Interiors (interior decorating is a small wannabe guilty pleasure of mine)
-Vintage and Modern (
-Ancient Yoga for Modern Living (the most perfectly naïve bit of irony)
-Modern 50's Photage (no, seriously? WTF is photage?)
-Modern Vintage Boutique
-Modern Girl Style (basically, the same idea as this here blog, but, err, classier? cheers for a job well done!)

There's also a large list of musician's whose names include the word Modern and a wonderful phenomenon goin on in Spain, where the Modern Kids are picked on/ praised through plenty of fan pages

PS: yes, I AM aware that my use of Modern, Modernoid, Modernette, Mod and Modern Kids are all referring to phenomenons closer to what could /should be called hipsters but I love how the group of people with a tendency towards retro against the technological era they live in are called Modern in other parts of the world :D

The Mod Squad

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Damen und Herren, Mesdames et mesieurs, Ladies and Gentlemen...

"Welcome, messieurs! Sit yourself down, and meet the best innblog keeper in town!"

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

I will rest your minds letting you know that I am not original. I do not pretend to gain a cuantious number of followers on this webpage nor am I a bestranged 12 year old beginning a fashion blog (and then pretending that mixing patterns is something rational and thought out and not a complete lack of thinking in the mornings before I've eaten me Lucky Charms). I am starting a platform of expression, of inside jokes (which may entertain you but more than likely won't...unless we have been personally acqainted. As in, outside the cyberworld).

I want scandelous.
I want sharing.
I want wreckless and thought-provoking and unliked.
I want gossip and jealousy to downright pity.
I want colors and textures.
I want over-pretensious black-and-whites.
I want world travels and finds.
I want news flashes and faux-passes.
I want quotations from the best.
I want good lines and close-ups of cigarettes.
I want staged actors with well-written words.
I want a MODERN world.
Modernus Vivendi.