domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Fave "modern" pages on Facebook

Yes, as a good modern, vanity and curiosity have gotten the best of me and forced me to search the word "modern" on Facebook....thus providing these amusing results:

-Vintage Modern Living
-Rocko's Modern Life (TV Show from my childhood I'd forgotten aaaaaaaall about)

-I am Modern Magazine (because 40 year old women in North Virginia are down with the Modernoids too)

-Dr. Seuss Quotes for Modern Day Life
-socialsklz :-) tools to thrive in the modern world [ my horrorific amazement; "peer-enting" strikes again]
-Trendy Tots: A Modern Children's Consignment Store (gotta love the name)
-Retro, Modern and Vintage Interiors (interior decorating is a small wannabe guilty pleasure of mine)
-Vintage and Modern (
-Ancient Yoga for Modern Living (the most perfectly naïve bit of irony)
-Modern 50's Photage (no, seriously? WTF is photage?)
-Modern Vintage Boutique
-Modern Girl Style (basically, the same idea as this here blog, but, err, classier? cheers for a job well done!)

There's also a large list of musician's whose names include the word Modern and a wonderful phenomenon goin on in Spain, where the Modern Kids are picked on/ praised through plenty of fan pages

PS: yes, I AM aware that my use of Modern, Modernoid, Modernette, Mod and Modern Kids are all referring to phenomenons closer to what could /should be called hipsters but I love how the group of people with a tendency towards retro against the technological era they live in are called Modern in other parts of the world :D

The Mod Squad

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